DO & CO adopts a quality-driven, environmentally conscious approach across all devisions by focusing on the following material issues identified through periodical exchange with its stakeholders:
DO & CO’s entire pursuit of quality is based on ensuring food safety without compromise. With this in mind, the company has implemented globally binding food safety standards throughout all its divisions, tailored to the respective local regulatory landscape.
The company has a unique business model, which fosters cross learning and individual self-fulfilment through the interconnectedness of its three divisions. The company considers its commitment to the creation of social welfare and environmental stewardship in the context of its wider responsibilities and as such aims to give back to the people who are at the core of our success.
We want to establish inspiring behaviour through our products and services. For this reason, our innovation-driven industrial design department constantly works towards the development of a responsibly designed product range to minimize their ecological impact.
Topic 1:
Diverse & Inclusive Meals
Our commitment:
Produce healthy and nourishing meals without additives or flavor enhances and reduce fats and processed sugar
Topic 2:
Responsible Sourcing
Our commitment:
Work with our supply chain partners toward ensuring a standard of ethical and responsible conduct through transparent procurement practices, continuous exchange and supplier audits
Topic 3:
Food Safety
Our commitment:
Running a sustainable business by providing safe quality products for our customers by ensuring highest food safety standards.
Topic 4:
Guest Security
Our commitment:
Create an environment which allows for the delivery of a safe product and service offering to guests and customers by complying with applicable regulatory framework, highest hygiene standards and global best practices.
Our sustainability goal:
Support global efforts to end forms of malnutrition by promoting informed decision making. By 2030 ensure access by all people to safe and nutritious food by offering affordable products to all income levels.
Our sustainability goal:
Produce all our dishes in close proximity to our operations location in order to allow for fresh produce and keep delivery routes to a minimum. Increase supplier audits in both quality and frequency. Introduction of a mandatory Supplier Code of Conduct covering ESG standards best practices
Our sustainability goal:
Establish a dedicated food safety committee to give guidance to DO & CO’s food quality and safety program and guide DO & CO’s efforts in obtaining future certification.
Our sustainability goal:
Work with partners to ensure outstanding crowd management to prevent injuries, or in times of pandemic ensure minimum distance requirements.
Topic 5:
Food and Packaging Waste
Our commitment:
Work towards complete circularity by implementing packaging options which have circular capabilities.
Topic 6:
Sustainable Packaging
Our commitment:
Offering of sustainable packaging alternatives to all our clients as first choice.
Topic 7:
Climate Change
Our commitment:
Decrease ecological footprint along the value chain through continuous investment in state-of-the-art equipment to reduce emissions and energy consumption to reduce the impact on biodiversity.
Our sustainability goal:
By 2030 reduce waste generation by 55% through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse. Introduction of price reductions for customers who bring their own reusable containers
Our sustainability goal:
Encourage our top 5 business customers to adopt sustainable practices by 2030 through the exclusive offering of sustainable packaging solutions. Further, we will make all our take-away packaging 100% sustainable
Our sustainability goal:
Have all trucks in our global vehicle fleet which do not comply with Euro VI emission standards replaced. By 2022 integrate climate change measures into company policies, strategies and planning
Topic 8:
Training and Development
Our commitment:
Work with our supply chain partners toward ensuring a standard of ethical and responsible conduct through transparent procurement practices, continuous exchange and supplier audits
Topic 9:
Occupational Health & Safety
Our commitment:
DO & CO protects labor rights and promotes safe and secure working environments for all workers
Our sustainability goal:
Produce all our dishes in close proximity to our operations location in order to allow for fresh produce and keep delivery routes to a minimum. Increase supplier audits in both quality and frequency. Introduction of a mandatory Supplier Code of Conduct covering ESG standards best practices.
Our sustainability goal:
By 2025 halve the number of work accidents by 33% (compared through number of accidents per 100.000 working hours) through enhanced training routines and risk mitigation
Topic 10:
Compliance Environmental Laws
Our commitment:
Promote the rule of law at national and international levels
Topic 11:
Anti-Corruption & Anti-Competitive Laws
Our commitment:
DO & CO publicly condemns corruption and anti-competitive behavior, and commits to comply with all respective regulations and guidelines
Our sustainability goal:
By 2025 our 20 biggest suppliers in each country should have obtained certification to ensure their compliance with environmental law and thus their contribution to DO & CO’s sustainability commitment
Our sustainability goal:
Maintaining our impeccable record of 0 incidents of corruption or anti competitive behavior.
For a more detailed analysis and more information, please click the link below for DO & COs’ latest Sustainability Report